Asia Interactive Awards 2007
Wah lau, very long nobody update this blog. Anyway, if you all need the photos, just msn me lar. -Chiron
Yum yum ! Nice scallops !
They spend more than 1/2 an hour just for this photo.
We are somehow related to the men in green. Oh yah. Notice Audrey has got food on hand.
All starting to feel restless. Notice Audrey has got food on hand once again.
All smiles for the camera
Designer frustration. Don't play play. Eh Irene, you dun geh geh.. you definitely look more frustrated than that !
A8 attendance at AIA 2007
Bond and bond babes. Eh Irene ! what you doing ?!
Can you please don't wear heels, make me and Audrey feel ka tek.
Audrey: duh.....
It must be Chiron again.
This pose and the series below is dedicated to the originator of this stances. Thanks for the night, wish you were here. Please view series.
Twain Version
Kristen Version
Fyon Version
Chiron Version
Irene Version
Audrey Version
Junne Version
Anyway, was a great night. Thanks boss and hope to see Kristen and Twain again.
Yum yum ! Nice scallops !
They spend more than 1/2 an hour just for this photo.
We are somehow related to the men in green. Oh yah. Notice Audrey has got food on hand.
All starting to feel restless. Notice Audrey has got food on hand once again.
All smiles for the camera
Designer frustration. Don't play play. Eh Irene, you dun geh geh.. you definitely look more frustrated than that !
A8 attendance at AIA 2007
Bond and bond babes. Eh Irene ! what you doing ?!
Can you please don't wear heels, make me and Audrey feel ka tek.
Audrey: duh.....
It must be Chiron again.
This pose and the series below is dedicated to the originator of this stances. Thanks for the night, wish you were here. Please view series.
Twain Version
Kristen Version
Fyon Version
Chiron Version
Irene Version
Audrey Version
Junne Version
Anyway, was a great night. Thanks boss and hope to see Kristen and Twain again.